Thursday, November 13, 2008

Bouchon Cookbook.

If you can't fork up $240 for a nine-course meal at Thomas Keller's The French Laundry restaurant (or any of his other amazing eateries), then maybe you can try your take at his recipes at home.

A great gift for any foodie, Keller's cookbook Bouchon will delight even the most basic chef:

I say basic, because this collection of recipes and techniques is more everyday user-friendly than his more complicated French Laundry Cookbook. (Unless of course, you're not like me and you have things like foie gras and pig's head readily in your kitchen.)

Sadly, I do not own this book myself (what-you-can-get-me-for-Christmas plug here) but I've read enough mouth-watering reviews to predict this cookbook will not disappoint. I have however, tried my hand at Keller's Over-the-Top Mushroom Quiche (which was taken from his Bouchon book), and will now and forever use this recipe for quiche.

In fact, it's on the menu for this year's Christmas brunch.

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