Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Toilet Play.

Sometimes I have more confidence in my mom abilities than I should.

Example: This morning Mugga stuck her hands in the toilet and splashed toilet water all over the bathroom. Her shouts of "Whee!" and the sound of water hitting walls tipped me off.

Now, the good mom in me would have remembered to shut the bathroom door. The even better mom would have bought one of those toilet locks or something. The best mom? Well, I would have already trained my daughter to not use the toilet for play. You do serious dirty business on that thing. It's not something you want to put your hands in (if I was the best kind of mom, my daughter would already know this).

But I am a somewhat absentminded mom who also forgets to pack her husband a daily lunch. The guy never complains about it either, which of course makes me feel worse. Husband, I'm sorry you are lunch-less today.

Well, after I caught Mugga in the bathroom (my gasps of horror only caused her more glee) she got her fair share of Purell, hand soap and more hand soap. Which of course made my girl even more happy. She got another shot a playing with more water.

Which makes me think:

"Did I just reward her?"

"Did she just learn that it's okay to put her hands in the toilet?"

"Does she now think that anytime she does, she will then get to put her hands in the sink?"

Yikes, listen to me. I know I'm over thinking this.

Mugga is now covered in soapy suds. Now her clothes are soaked too. She looks ups, gives me a grin and says, "Bubbles."

Oh man, that kid. She's hard to stay mad at.


amanda said...

i don't know if i could have handled this. i have serious germ issues with toilets, and i really hate those commercials now where they show you what the germs look like. i know they are fake germ-cartoons, but they still freak me out.

this will be something i will think very hard about when my kid is anywhere near the bathroom now.

i hope she doesn't think it's a reward, by the way.

Anonymous said...

I had left over stew for lunch today. It was delicious. I'm not even mad you didn't make it for me.

t.La Monster said...

I can totally see Muggs doing that. She's a funny kid. Just remember you and Brendabs made her... she had to have gotten it from one of you!!! haha

Crystal said...

And then when she's got her little friends over and you're deep in conversation with those friends' mom, you will hear NOTHING.

That NOTHING is worse than water.

It means your children have decided to disrobe and color themselves and the walls of the bedroom with some markers that dad left out the day before...

But, you know, that's never happened to us or anything.

Sheela said...
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